Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt, bouncing high-pitched sounds off of objects, and listening for the echoes.
Fish and squid are the diet of the common dolphin, where the dolphins have been seen hunting and working together to herd the fish into tight balls.
“The greatest threat to whales, dolphins and porpoises is entanglement in fishing gear, also known as bycatch. If current trends continue unabated, several cetacean species and many populations will be lost in the next few decades.”
Since Spinner dolphins swim with yellowfin tuna, hundreds of thousands are slaughtered by tuna fisheries. Thus the enactment of national and international laws for dolphin safe tuna.
Baby dolphins are sucked forward by the motion of their swimming mothers — giving them a needed assist — when they position themselves to the right and behind their mothers.
Dolphins sleep with one half of their brain plus one eye closed, then switching to the other side of the brain and the other eye closed during other parts of the day — slowing down everything inside their bodies and moving very little.
A dolphin swims alongside a humpback whale to say “hello”!
Nice blog here!