Have you ever tried to blow Bubble Rings while scuba diving?
The following is not recommended for novice divers:
At the end of a dive and before ascending, lie flat on your back on the ocean floor.
Take a deep breath before removing your regulator (no duh), make an O shape with your lips, and exhale from deep inside your lungs. One can usually make 3-4 from one breath of air. With the tank it’s a bit difficult to get the angle of your body and head completely horizontal.
If done properly, a perfect ring (like a smoke ring) will spin to the surface, expanding and expanding until the size of a hula hoop.
The sunlight reflects through the spinning swirl of air, illuminating it to shine bright silver in color…
It’s amazing how something so simple can make you smile inside when you are able to blow these perfect bubble rings! It makes you feel like a kid again!
Until the next not so important tidbit of useless information.
the scuba lady…
are you kidding me? Sleep underwater?? Hotels? Restaurants? what a concept!!